Stellungnahme des Sprechers des Juristenkomitees Koreas (Februar 2017)
Stellungnahme des Sprechers des Juristenkomitees Koreas
Am 13. Februar bekam in Malaysia ein Bürger unserer Republik mit Diplomatenpass vor dem Einstieg ins Flugzeug plötzlich einen Herzinfarkt und starb auf dem Weg zum Krankenhaus.
Eigentlich bestätigten das malaysische Außenministerium und die Seite des Krankenhauses, sein Tod sei auf Herzinfarkt zurückzuführen, und teilten unserer Botschaft in Malaysia mit, die das Konsulschutzrecht auf die DVRK-Bürger ausübt, es sei beschlossen, seinen Leichnam unserer Botschaft zu übergeben und ihn zu kremieren.
Demnach forderte unsere Botschaft dazu auf, die Identität des Gestorbenen festzustellen und diesen Leichnam zu übergeben.
Sobald aber an jenem Abend ein konservatives Massenmedium Südkoreas behauptete, dass dieser Bürger laut der „Nachricht der Regierung“ durch Gift von irgendjemandem getötet wurde, mischte die Geheimpolizei in Malaysia in diese Affäre ein, machte diese Vermutung zur vollendeten Tatsache und stellte die Leichenöffnung auf. Daher wurde die Frage kompliziert.
Unsere Botschaft beleuchtete klar und eindeutig, es sei unnötig, den Leichnam zur Feststellung der Todesursache zu öffnen, weil unser Bürger wegen des Herzinfarkts starb. Überdies könne der Leichnam des Gestorbenen mit Diplomatenpass niemals geöffnet werden, weil er nach der Wiener Konvention eine exterritoriale Existenz ist.
Aber die malaysische Seite ignorierte nicht nur unsere gerechte Forderungen und Völkerrechte und öffnete ohne irgendeine Vereinbarungen mit uns oder unsere Anwesenheit gewaltweise den Leichnam, sondern auch redete davon, ohne Veröffentlichung der Obduktionsergebnisse sogar die 2. Leichenöffnung zu versuchen.
In der Stellungnahme am 22. Februar verurteilte der Sprecher des Juristenkomitees Koreas das als unverhohlene Beeinträchtigung der Souveränität unserer Republik, grobe Verletzung am Menschenrecht und inhumanitäre Handlung.
Die Stellungnahme erwähnte, es sei ernsthaft, dass solche ungerechte Handlungen der malaysischen Seite gleichzeitig mit dem Rummel der südkoreanischen Behörde gegen unsere Republik inszeniert werden. Dann wurde sie wie folgt fortgesetzt.
Bevor die Obduktionsergebnisse veröffentlicht wurden, begannen die konservaten Massenmedien Südkoreas hartnäckig bloße Gerüchte in Umlauf zu setzen, dass „dieser Bürger von zwei Mitgliederinnen der nordkoreanischen Hauptverwaltung für die Aufklärung vergiftet wurde“. „Das sei ja sicher eine Handlung Nordkoreas.“
Am 14. Februar, am nächsten Tag nach dem Tod unseres Bürgers, brach im Blauen Haus ein Lärm los und wurde am 16. Februar eine Ministersitzung abgehalten. So erschien die Reaktion Südkoreas auffallend. Schließlich wurde sogar der Einsatz von „THAAD“ unverhohlen zur Debatte gestellt, der in keinerlei Zusammenhang mit dem Sterben unseres Bürgers ist.
Das zeugt anschaulich davon, dass die südkoreanische Behörde den diesmaligen Vorfall im Voraus vorhergesehen und sogar dementsprechendes Szenarium gezeichnet hat.
Aber nur Malaysia wendet sich von solcher Tatsache. Das ist ja wahrhaft bedauerlich.
Weil unser Bürger in Malaysia starb, sollte die malaysische Regierung die größte Verantwortung dafür tragen.
Das unfreundliche Benehmen der malaysischen Seite kam bei der Frage über das Übergeben vom Leichnam noch anschaulicher zum Ausdruck.
Falls der Leichnam in gesetzwidriger und unmoralischer Weise geöffnet und gerichtsmedizinische Identifizierung durchgeführt wurde, müsste sie gebührenderweise den Leichnam übergeben. Aber unter dem erdenklichen törichten Vorwand, es sei nach dem malaysischen Gesetz unmöglich, den Leichnam zu übergeben, bevor die Seite der Familie des Gestorbenen sein DNA-Exemplar vorlegt, übergibt bisher die obige Regierung uns keinen Leichnam.
Das zeigt, dass die malaysische Seite ohne Berücksichtigung der Völkerrechte und des menschlichen Morals die Übergabe des Leichnams politisieren und irgendeines übelsinniges Ziel erreichen will.
Am Anfang dieses Vorfalls redete sie lautstark davon, dass der Mordverdächtige festgenommen wurde. Aber danach wurde kaum erwähnt.
Das ist ja zu unlogisch, dass nach der Aussage der Mordverdächtigen dieser Bürger vergiftet wurde, weil sie „seinen Kopf mit der Flüssigkeit wie Öl balsamiert hatten“. Worin gibt es solchen Giftstoff, dass die Frau, die mit dem Gift ihre Hand gestrichen hat, nicht sterben und damit balsamierter Mensch ums Leben kommen lässt?
Wir haben schon gemeinsame Untersuchung für richtige Erklärung dieses Vorfalls unterbreitet und beleuchteten, dazu bereit zu sein, unsere Juristendelegation zu schicken.
Wir sind darauf abgezielt, dass die Juristendelegation direkt an Ort und Stelle die Mordverdächtigen trifft, sich ihre Aussagen anhört, bestätigen, nach wessen Direktive sie gehandelt haben, auch ein Gespräch mit unserem Bürger führt, den Tatort und Multimedia-Daten ausführlich untersucht und die Vorfalluntersuchung gerecht zum Schluss bringt.
Wir werden allerlei Versuche über die Diffamierung des Ansehens eines würdevollen starken Landes der Souveränität und der Atommacht niemals zulassen und die schwarzen Verhältnisse des diesmaligen Vorfalls bis ins letzte ans Licht bringen.
Wir werden künftiges Benehmen der malaysischen Seite verfolgen.
Naenara, 23. Febr. 2017
Die englischsprachige Fassung:
Malaysian Side's Unfriendly Attitude Hit Out
A citizen of the DPRK bearing a diplomatic passport suddenly fell into a state of shock before boarding an airliner and died on the way to a hospital in Malaysia on February 13.
At that time the Foreign Ministry of Malaysia and the hospital side informed the DPRK Embassy in Kuala Lumpur exercising the right to consular protection of DPRK citizens that they confirmed he died of heart stroke and decided to transfer his body to the embassy and get it cremated.
So the DPRK Embassy confirmed his identity and asked the Malaysian side to transfer his body.
However, no sooner had south Korean conservative media published a false report that he was "poisoned to death", citing it as a "source from the government" that night, than the Malaysian secret police got involved in the case and recklessly made it an established fact, only to make matters complicated.
The DPRK Embassy made it clear that autopsy is not necessary as his death had already been confirmed as the one due to heart stroke and autopsy should never be done as he enjoyed extraterritorial right according to the Vienna Convention as a carrier of diplomatic passport.
Nevertheless, the Malaysian side, in disregard of the DPRK's just demand and international law, made an autopsy of the body without any prior agreement with the DPRK side and its presence. Moreover, the Malaysian side clamoured for the second autopsy without making the results of the first autopsy.
A spokesman for the Korean Jurists Committee in a statement on February 22 termed this undisguised encroachment upon the sovereignty of the DPRK, a wanton human rights abuse and an act contrary to human ethics and morality.
The statement said:
What merits more serious attention is the fact that the unjust acts of the Malaysian side are timed to coincide with the anti-DPRK conspiratorial racket launched by the south Korean authorities.
Conservative media of south Korea began spreading wild rumours that the DPRK citizen was "poisoned to death by two women agents of the General Reconnaissance Bureau of north Korea" and it is undoubtedly its "deed" before the results of the autopsy were published.
On February 14, a day after his death, the Blue House of south Korea kicked up a fuss over it and the south Korean authorities were busy holding a ministerial meeting on February 16, showing an excessive response. Moreover, they openly discussed the issue of THAAD deployment though it has nothing to do with the death of a DPRK citizen.
This proves that the south Korean authorities has long expected the case since it worked out a scenario for it.
It is, indeed, regretful that only Malaysia is denying such fact.
The biggest responsibility for his death rests with the government of Malaysia as the citizen of the DPRK died in its land.
The unfriendly attitude of the Malaysian side found a more striking manifestation in the matter of transferring his body to the DPRK side.
Malaysia is obliged to hand his body over to the DPRK side as it made an autopsy and forensic examination of it in an illegal and immoral manner. However, it has not yet handed over the body under an absurd pretext that it cannot do so unless the family of the deceased presents a DNA sample in accordance with its law.
This proves that the Malaysian side is going to politicize the transfer of the body in utter disregard of international law and morality and thus attain a sinister purpose.
In the early days when the incident happened Malaysia widely publicized that it arrested suspected persons but now keeps mum about it.
What sounds more alarming is that the suspected persons allegedly stated that the DPRK citizen was poisoned to death when "oil-like lotion was put on his head with their hands." That means the woman survived even after having poison on her hand while leaving only the poisoned man dead.
The DPRK has already proposed a joint investigation for properly probing the incident and clarified that it is ready to dispatch a delegation of its jurists.
Its aim is to meet the suspected persons and hear their statements, confirm who ordered them and meet the arrested citizen and survey in detail the scene of the incident and its video footage and thus conclude the investigation into the incident in a fair way.
The DPRK will never allow any attempt to tarnish the image of the dignified power of independence and nuclear weapons state but make a thorough probe into the truth behind the case.
It will watch the future attitude of the Malaysian side.
Of late the Western media have waged an atrocious campaign against People's Korea which centres on an incident in Malaysia apparently on the 13th of February in which a DPRK citizen was taken ill at Kualu Lumpur airport and subsequently died. The south Korean fascist puppets were quick to spread the story that this was assassination.
The whole story has revolved around a whole series of unproven allegations, assertions, assumptions and guesses by certain people .
The simple facts are that a DPRK citizen named Kim Chol who was the holder of a DPRK diplomatic passport became ill at Kuala Lumpur airport and died. The Malaysian authorities informed the DPRK about this. They informed the DPRK that the DPRK citizen had died of a stroke or heart attack. However subsequently the DPRK was not given access to the body or the autopsy which is required under international law. Sensational and wild stories began to flow from the south Korean puppet media machine and the hacks of the capitalist media in countries such as the US, UK and other countries. The Malaysian authorities then arrested some nationals of third countries and later a DPRK citizen (who has now been released due to insufficient evidence). There is not a shred of evidence to link these people to the DPRK. They are not even ethnic Koreans. From where I stand the case against the DPRK is pretty threadbare and basically a cock and bull story.
One can surmise that the most likely explanation is that Kim Chol suffered a heart attack after having some kind of altercation with the two accused women at the airport.
What is strange is that the south Korean puppet authorities somehow knew that a DPRK citizen had died in Malaysia and started spreading all kinds of false stories, rumours and conjectures about the incident such as "death of Kim Chol was intoxication by two women secret agents sent by General Reconnaissance Bureau of north Korea". How did the south Korean authorities know about the death of the DPRK citizen, did Malaysia inform them or was the incident actually staged by the notorious
National Intelligence Service of south Korea? Finally, why carry out an assasination at an airport which in most countries are high security zones with armed police and occasionally troops present?
Quite absurd stories about the use of "VX Nerve gas". However even a small amount could wipe out the whole airport not just one person. Also those who allegedly carried out the attack would have died as well. Indeed the allegation about the use of VX Nerve Gas just raises more questions than answers such as how could such a dangerous substance have been brought into the airport, where was the special container for it? Where was it stored in Malaysia? Not surprisingly no trace of the
VX could be found at the airport, this is probably because it was not there in the first place.
So at the end of day the story about the "assassination by the DPRK " is fake news. What lay behind it? Who were the key players?
The fake news story spread by the south Korean puppets and the US imperialists, which was then spread by the reactionary Malaysian media and the imperialist news services and media outlets such as CNN, BBC, Reuters etc (the latter all being closely linked to the intelligence services).
Firstly , it was deliberately timed to distract attention from the successful celebrations of the 75th anniversary of the birth of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL in People's Korea which were a powerful demonstration of the single-heartedly unity around the leader and Party. Secondly, it was to slander and smear the Supreme leadership of the DPRK. Thirdly, it was to demonise the DPRK .Fourthly , it was also to distract attention from the successful test fire of the Pukguksong-2 MLBM. Fifthly, it was done to try and present the DPRK as a "terrorist state" and slap more sanctions on the DPRK and put the DPRK back on the list of "state sponsors of terrorism". Sixth, it was aimed at causing Malaysia to break diplomatic relations with the DPRK and encourage other countries to do so. Seventh, the most sinister aim was an attempt at regime change and destablisation of the DPRK as the south Korean puppets planned to broadcast the fake news by loudspeakers to the DPRK. As a matter of fact in several countries the use of fake news and spreading rumours was a key part in the imperialist strategy of "colour revolution" and "regime change".
Who had most to gain from the incident? It was not the DPRK. The main beneficiaries were of course the US imperialists and south Korea who opened another front in their wild and hysterical anti-DPRK campaign. For south Korea the incident provided a convenient smokescreen to cover up the massive corruption scandals unfolding in south Korea which included the impeachment of puppet ruler Park Geun Hye and the arrest of the boss of the south Korean monopoly Jaebol Samsung. The south Korean puppet regime has also found itself in a tight corner owing to its plan to deploy THAAD which is rejected by both the south Korean people and also some regional powers that the south Korean puppets had been trying to curry favour with. The creation of a shocking incident conveniently diverts attention away from this . In the past south Korea faked up so-called shocking incidents such as the assasination attempt of Park Chung Hee, the Yangon Explosion Incident and KAL 858 incident not to mention numerous "spy ring" cases which were blamed on the DPRK. For the US and other Western imperialist powers it is an opportunity to yet again vilify and
demonise the DPRK and also pursue a regime change strategy.
What of Malaysia's part in all of this. Supposedly a "friend" of the DPRK, it allowed itself to be drawn into the anti-DPRK campaign and refused the request of the DPRK for a joint investigation into the incident. In a lot of cases it is quite normal when a citizen of one country dies in another country for the police force of the country concerned to be able to send an investigation team to the country where the death took place. Malaysia aided and abetted the US and south Korea in their anti-DPRK firestorm.
When one looks at the facts it is not hard to see what happened. Malaysia may well have good relations with the DPRK but it also has good relations with the US and south Korea. Malaysia signed agreements on intelligence and counter-terrorism with the US. In 2014 Malaysia joined the so-called Profileration Security Initative, a US led effort directed at the DPRK and others. Malaysia has agreed to having US bases on its soil. The US is the biggest investor in Malaysia. Malaysia is a member of US imperialist controlled bodies such as the IMF, World Bank, APEC and TPP. The US state department website says of Malaysia "Today, Malaysia is a significant regional and global partner for the United States, and the two countries share a diverse and expanding partnership in trade, investment, security, environmental cooperation, and educational and cultural relations."
Malaysia also has a cosy relations with the south Korean puppets. The Malaysian PM visited south Korea in 2014 and met south Korean puppet boss lady Park Geun Hye. Malaysia signed many business deals with south. In the past Malaysia was regarded by some on the Left as a fascist comprador neo-colony because it heavily repressed the Malaysian Communist Party and fought a bitter civil war against the communists with the backing of US imperialism and British imperialism.
Communist parties are still illegal in Malaysia and it is highly likely that extreme anti-communist ideology permeates the minds of the Malaysian police and security services and influenced their investigation. Therefore is not so surprising that Malaysia has become a player in the anti-DPRK conspiracy of the US and south Korea.
We urge all those who love justice, truth and justice reject this campaign of lies and fake news against the DPRK.
Dr Dermot Hudson, BA (Hons)
President Association for the Study of Songun Politcs UK
Chairman Juche Idea Study Group of England
Official Delegate Korean Friendship Association UK
Chairman UK Preparatory Committee For the 2017 Gathering to Praise the Great Persons Born of Mt Paektu
Member International Committee for the Study of Songun Politics UK
Doctor of Socio-Politics of the DPRK